Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Reflections" disturbed

What the hell is going on?  Checked in on my wee blog this morning to find that the insidious blank video link had once again attached itself to the blog entry formerly known as Reflections on a Holiday in my Favourite City.  I have therefore deleted the whole entry once again.

Quick entertainment review:  On the weekend I saw The King's Speech, starring the marvelous and thoroughly lovely Colin Firth, the rumpled and roguish Geoffrey Rush, and the sublime Helena Bonham-Carter.  An interesting episode in history involving the infamous abdication of King Edward (who chose the love of American divorcee Wallace Simpson over the throne), leaving his brother Albert (fondly known as Bertie, but formally referred to as George VI) to wear the crown.  Saddled with a crippling stammer, Bertie, thanks partly to his intrepid wife, starts working with an Australian speech therapist called Lionel Logue.  It's a classic tale of overcoming adversity which made me laugh and cry and applaud loudly.  Beautifully written and performed, it's an absolute delight.  Go see it!

I've also been watching new episodes of Misfits, an anarchic UK show that turns the superhero genre on its ear.  The show follows the exploits of a bunch of young offenders on community service duties who, in a freak storm, suddenly acquire supernatural abilities.  Do they go about saving the world?  Nope.  But they look after each other, and despite their prickly differences (and, in most cases, lack of social graces), form bonds as they try to hide their powers and half-heartedly perform their community service duties.  They have foul mouths, behave badly, but are not totally irredeemable (and the regional Brit accents are marvellous). The show is inventive, sharply written, hilarious and thrilling.  I'm told Season 1 is currently showing in Australia on ABC2.  Season 2 has just started screening in the UK, but no sign of it in the US (Netflix hasn't heard of it, either) so I've been resorting to YouTube!

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