My role was one of several so-called “actor testimonials” whereby actors are brought in to personify the kind of people the program is aimed at, telling the sad tale of their deficiencies and defenses, miraculously ‘cracked open’ and mended. “It’s been the most amazing ride!” Uh-huh, seriously. Mrs One Take Wonder here whipped through it smartly, much to the delight of the director, who had fallen a little behind schedule. So, all wrapped up in under two hours. Just as well, or the modest paycheck would indeed have been looking miserable per hour.
The shoot was in a studio in a run-down looking building in downtown Los Angeles. It took about half an hour on the freeways (in pretty good traffic) to get there from the Valley, but it seemed like a different country. I don’t think I saw a single white person on the street around there, mostly Mexicans waiting at the bus stop. Everything was grimy. Upon entering the building, my nostrils were immediately assaulted by the smell of ammonia. It almost seemed like a ghost building; the foyer floor was art deco marble, but the lifts were creaky (and even more strongly smelling like cleaning fluid) and reminiscent of those more commonly found in a car park. However the studio suite was professional, they had a make-up artist there to make me ‘camera ready’ and it was all very easy really. The director promised me a copy of my part of the video once it’s edited. I’m not making any promises, but if it’s amusing enough I’ll post a snippet for your viewing pleasure.
After the shoot I headed up to North Hollywood for a callback audition for A Christmas Carol. Kinda feel like I slam-dunked it, but time will tell. It’s just not fair, Americans simply can’t do authentic British accents!
Tuesday night we welcomed back Vinny after surgery and a two week break. It was a great class, lots of work and play. I love being in a group of people and feeling like I want to work with each and every one of them. It’s like a Baggage production :)
This week I have also taken possession of a car. Yes m’am, my very own automobile. Goodbye rental! The insurance just about killed me; I have to pay more because as far as California is concerned I’m a new driver. It will be 18 months before I’ll be considered seasoned enough to get more insurance for my buck. So the car? It’s a 2001 Ford Focus ZX3, white, auto transmission, 2 doors with a hatchback. Kind of like an update to my old ’88 Ford Laser. By American standards, this is a tiny little car. Sweet.
Monday I caught up with fellow Aussie abroad, Nicola, who is refreshingly not an actor (although she is married to one). We ladies lunched at Marie et Cie, a charming little café/furniture/cutesy gift store. You wouldn’t expect the coffee to be so good. Although sadly it is served in takeaway cups. Nothing so forlorn as an espresso in a large paper cup. Food selections were modest but tasty. It was perfectly lovely a
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